I hope y'all remembered to go give blood, if you are healthy. If you haven't done it yet and you are physically able to, take a break from school (or partying) and get on over to Tyndale Library to give blood. The bus will be out there till 5 p.m.
Yes, I gave blood today, barely. The nurse who helped me said my blood was starting and stopping, I think I didn't drink enough fluids. I was afraid there was some major problem, or that they would reject me and throw away my blood, but the nurses seemed fine with it going slow. "We're just happy to have the blood!
It didn't really hurt, and if it does I think about all the sick people who don't have a choice, who have needles and IV's stuck in them day after day after day. At least we have a choice to give willingly of our clean blood. And you can't help but feel good about that.