Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Charity Bandanas

The following is from Benjamin Nieuwsma. Please take a second to read!

We are raising money for the Community Action Partnership in Moscow . The charity works to reach out to poor people in our area in a number of ways. The partnership provides food for people unable to afford it, clothing and health related expenses. Often the elderly on fixed incomes are unable to afford their heating bill during the winter and this partnership helps with that as well. They also help pay for educational expenses.

Unlike many other charities, the Community Action Partnership works towards self-sufficiency as much as it can, so for many of the underprivileged families, they help by providing work for them.

I am the project manager of a team of about a dozen students who chose this charity to raise money for as class project and we have come up with a couple different incentives for giving money to the partnership:

Donate 1 Dollar

For anyone donating a dollar to help the underprivileged in our area, we will enter them into a drawing for one of three $50 gift certificates for the online sporting good stores:

Donate 4 Dollars

For anyone who donates $4 (essentially the price of a nice coffee), we will give them a free bandana. They are black with a golden U of I logo design on them.

This charity is tax deductible and upon request we can provide you with verification of your donation. Unfortunately, due to some supplier problems on the bandanas, we are running out of time for this project. We need to know about everyone who is willing to donate by next Monday, November 26.

So, if you would be willing to donate a few dollars, it would be a great blessing to the charity, and a huge help to me and my team.

Please send me an email. ( or feel free to call (208-310-1841)


Benjamin Nieuwsma

One thing Ben mentioned to me is that you don't have to pay him right away. So if you are away on break, just send him an email letting him know that you will be getting him the money whenever you get back.


Thursday, November 08, 2007

Darwin or Design

Please come and support Dr. Wilson with your presence as he debates Dr. Mike Webster! And please pray that the debate will go smoothly, and that the cause of Christ will be advanced through it!

  • Monday, November 12th, 7:30 pm
  • UI Commons: Whitewater Room

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Moscow City Council

O Socii, today is a great and honourable day. It is a day in which we can put to use our right as citizens of the Unitest States of America to elect our leaders. In days past leaders were often chosen through strength of arms. Men proved their courage on the battle field, fighting for their king, that they might live peaceful lives under their king. We have no bloody battle field on which to pour our blood and prove our valor, but we do have the Moscow Fair Grounds, and today, until 8 p.m. May it not be said of the students of New Saint Andrews college that they did not bother to go out and vote. Furthermore, this is going to be a close vote - 50 could turn the tide of the election. You may feel like it's not your place to vote in Moscow, but it does affect you. It affects NSA, it affects the families you're boarding with, and it affects our churches. If you've lived here for more than 30 days, you can vote! Please vote!

Please vote for Krauss and Carscallen for the 4 year seat (do not vote for a 3rd person) and Steed for the two year seat.

To the Polls!

Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit. O Socii, Proponite!

Monday, August 27, 2007

McIntosh - Grieser Office Hours

Mr. McIntosh's office hours are:
  • Wed. 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Grieser's office hours are:
  • Tue. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Reminder: Mid-term paper due Sept. 7th, by 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Greek Translater

Webster's Online Dictionary
with Multilingual Thesaurus Translation

English Greek

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Christ is risen!

Happy Easter, everyone!

What joy is ours, since we are Christians and have a God who would have His Son endure the pangs of death and the sin of the entire world, and then rise that we might rise with Him!

Many people talk (and have written) about how we ought not to put our joy in man or in material things. This is easy to see why, and yet we forget it often, and either trust and rely upon people or things we love to make us happy and joyful. But we would not have either without God! Our joy comes from Him and Him alone. Because Christ endured the cross and Sheol, we need not fear ever losing our joy. In Him we have risen and shall be resurrected!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Of Bede, Malmesbury, & Hollister

A Few Historical Personages


  • King of Kent
  • Had a Christian wife, Bertha
  • Talked with Augustine, finally converted to Christianity and was baptized
  • Pope Gregory corresponded with this king
  • Died in 616 – he ruled for 56 years

  • Ruled over all England except Kent
  • Became a Christian through the teaching of Paulinus – baptized 627
  • Married Ethelbert’s daughter Ethelburh
  • King of Wessex sent Eomer to assassinate him
  • Received correspondence from Boniface and Honorius
  • Brought peace to Britain
  • Died in 633 at the Battle of Hatfield Chase

  • King of Northumbria
    “the most Christian king of the Northumbrians” – Bede
  • Asked for a bishop from Ireland (Aidan came)
  • Ruled 9 years
  • Killed at the battle of Maserfelth

  • d. 899
  • Crowned king by Pope Leo in 872
  • Son Edward took the throne in 901
  • Buried in Winchester
  • Occupied London 886

  • Denmark / England
  • Reigned from 1016 – 1035
  • Laid everything to waste from Sandwich to Wessex -1016
  • 1017 – 1031 Reigned in England
  • Went to Rome in the fifteenth year of his reign - to atone for sins
  • Died and was buried at Winchester

    Edward the Confessor
  • Reigned 1042 – 1066
  • Son of Etheldred the Unready
  • Crowned at Winchester
  • Promised the kingdom first to William of Normandy, and then to Harold Godwin

    Harold Godwin
  • 1066 - was crowned Jan. 5, (having been promised the kingdom on the deathbed of Edward the Confessor
  • died in October 1066 at the Battle of Hastings, against William of Normandy (who was the first to be promised the kingdom by Edward the Confessor)

    William of Normandy (William the Conqueror)
  • Lived from 1035 to 1087
  • Ruled England from 1066 to 1087 after beating Harold Godwin at the Battle of Hastings
  • Ended Saxon age of England, fused Norman culture to that of England, thereby establishing the start of modern English culture

    William Rufus
  • William the Conqueror left the throne of England to Rufus
  • Rufus scorned religion, exploited the church, ruled with a rod of iron.
  • 1089 seized the lands of Canterbury
  • (Rufus was killed by an arrow while hunting.)

    Henry I
  • ruled from 1100 to 1135
  • Anselm threatened to excommunicate him in 1105 AD
  • Norman & Saxon combine under his reign, and he married a Saxon (Matilda)
  • "Henry I's reign marks the coming of age of the royal administration. Indeed, some historians have sen it as the seedbed of the modern state. The functions of the royal household officials were growing in importance and specialization." - Hollister, 135.

Of Heroes and...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vowel Combination Chart - Contract Verbs

Here is a Vowel Combination Chart for the contract Verbs.

Thanks to Lydia who provided the chart!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

My Life For Yours: Bleed!

I hope y'all remembered to go give blood, if you are healthy. If you haven't done it yet and you are physically able to, take a break from school (or partying) and get on over to Tyndale Library to give blood. The bus will be out there till 5 p.m.

Yes, I gave blood today, barely. The nurse who helped me said my blood was starting and stopping, I think I didn't drink enough fluids. I was afraid there was some major problem, or that they would reject me and throw away my blood, but the nurses seemed fine with it going slow. "We're just happy to have the blood!

It didn't really hurt, and if it does I think about all the sick people who don't have a choice, who have needles and IV's stuck in them day after day after day. At least we have a choice to give willingly of our clean blood. And you can't help but feel good about that.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I found some of the tables on this website especially helpful for learning the alphabet. I'm grouping the best tables together here.