O Socii, today is a great and honourable day. It is a day in which we can put to use our right as citizens of the Unitest States of America to elect our leaders. In days past leaders were often chosen through strength of arms. Men proved their courage on the battle field, fighting for their king, that they might live peaceful lives under
their king. We have no bloody

battle field on which to pour our blood and prove our valor, but we do have the Moscow Fair Grounds, and today, until 8 p.m. May it not be said of the students of New Saint Andrews college that they did not bother to go out and vote. Furthermore, this is going to be a close vote - 50 could turn the tide of the election. You may feel like it's not your place to vote in Moscow, but it
does affect you. It affects NSA, it affects the families you're boarding with, and it affects our churches. If you've lived here for more than 30 days, you can vote! Please vote!
Please vote for Krauss and Carscallen for the 4 year seat (do not vote for a 3rd person) and Steed for the two year seat.
To the Polls!
Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit. O Socii, Proponite!
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