Tuesday, October 18, 2005

O Tempora! O Mores!

Time/location changes

  • FRIDAYS: Freshmen meet in Augustine Classroom at 1:30 pm with Mr.Nate Wilson
  • Beginning Latin, Section B, on Friday only, will meet at12:30 in Calvin

Also, CRF Debate Tonight! (October 18th)

Resolved: Religion and Government Should be Strictly Separate

Dan Barker (Affirmative) and Doglas Wilson (Negative) will be debating this topic at the SUB Ballroom tonight at 7:00 p.m.


Charles said...

Wouldn't that be "O tempora! O loci!"?


Daniel Foucachon said...

Well, it could be that too, but I was kind of refering to the breaking of our usual schedule habits. So, "Oh! the customs [that we have to break]."

But either work