Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Reformation Week Events

Students and Prospective Students, Hear ye, hear ye,

During Reformation week and Prospective Student Weekend, NSA will be holding events in which students can interact with prospective students.

On Saturday, Oct. 28th:
  • Bishop's Orchard Trip (Garfield, ID) Leave NSA at 2 p.m., return between 5/5:30 Bring: $4 for cider and your own gallon jug (Mr. Rench recommends the .60 water jugs from Winco)
  • Ice Skating (Palouse Ice Rink) from 7-9 p.m. Bring: $1.50 for skate rental (or your own skates)

So try to carve a few hours out of your schedule to enjoy the outdoors and meet the new Freshman class!

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